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ClusterShell is a command-line tool and library that helps running commands in parallel on multiple servers. It allows executing arbitrary commands across multiple hosts. On Sherlock, it provides an easy way to run commands on nodes your jobs are running on, and collect back information. The two most useful commands provided are cluset, which can manipulate lists of nodenames, and clush, which can run commands on multiple nodes at once.

More documentation#

The following documentation specifically intended for using ClusterShell on Sherlock. For more complete documentation about ClusterShell in general, please see the ClusterShell documentation.

The ClusterShell library can also be directly be integrated in your Python scripts, to add a wide range of functionality. See the ClusterShell Python API documentation for reference.

ClusterShell on Sherlock#

ClusterShell is available on Sherlock and the corresponding module can be loaded with:

$ ml system py-clustershell


The cluset command can be used to easily manipulate lists of node names, and to expand, fold, or count them:

$ cluset --expand sh03-01n[01-06]
sh03-01n01 sh03-01n02 sh03-01n03 sh03-01n04 sh03-01n05 sh03-01n06

$ cluset --count sh03-01n[01-06]

$ cluset --fold sh03-01n01 sh03-01n02 sh03-01n03 sh03-01n06


The clush command uses the same node list syntax to allow running the same commands simultaneously on those nodes. clush uses SSH to connect to each of these nodes.


You can only SSH to nodes where your jobs are running, and as a consequence, clush will only work on those nodes.

For instance, to check the load on multiple compute nodes at once:

$ clush -w sh03-01n[01-03] cat /proc/loadavg
sh03-01n01: 19.48 14.43 11.76 22/731 22897
sh03-01n02: 13.20 13.29 13.64 14/831 1163
sh03-01n03: 11.60 11.48 11.82 18/893 23945

Gathering identical output

Using the the -b option will regroup similar output lines to make large outputs easier to read. By default, the output of each node will be presented separately.

For instance, without -b:

$ clush -w sh03-01n[01-03] echo ok
sh03-01n02: ok
sh03-01n03: ok
sh03-01n01: ok

With -b:

$ clush -bw sh03-01n[01-03] echo ok
sh03-01n[01-03] (3)

Slurm integration#

On Sherlock, ClusterShell is also tightly integrated with the job scheduler, and can directly provide information about a user's jobs and the nodes they're running on. You can use the following groups to get specific node lists:

group name short name action example
@user: @u: list nodes where user has jobs running cluset -f @user:$USER
@job: @j: list nodes where job is running cluset -f @job:123456
@nodestate: @node:,@n: list nodes in given state cluset -f @nodestate:idle
@partition: @part:,@p: list nodes in given partition cluset -f @partition:gpu

For instance, to get the list of nodes where job 123456 is running:

$ cluset -f @job:123456`


Job information#

For instance, if job 1988522 from user kilian is running on nodes sh02-01n[59-60], squeue would display this:

$ squeue -u kilian
     1988522    normal interact   kilian  R       1:30      2 sh02-01n[59-60]
     1988523    normal interact   kilian  R       1:28      2 sh02-01n[61-62]

With ClusterShell, you could get:

  • the list of node names where user kilian has jobs running:

    $ cluset -f @user:kilian
  • the nodes where job 1988522 is running, in an expanded form:

    $ cluset -e @job:1988522
    sh02-01n59 sh02-01n60

Node states#

You can also use those binding to get lists of nodes in a particular state, in a given partition. For instance, to list the nodes that are in "mixed" state in the dev partition, you can request the intersection between the @state:mixed and @partition:dev node lists:

$ cluset -f @nodestate:mixed -i @partition:dev

Local storage#

To get a list of files in $L_SCRATCH on all the nodes that are part of job 1988522:

$ $ clush -w@j:1988522 tree $L_SCRATCH
sh02-01n59: /lscratch/kilian
sh02-01n59: ├── 1988522
sh02-01n59: │   └── foo
sh02-01n59: │       └── bar
sh02-01n59: └── 1993608
sh02-01n59: 3 directories, 1 file
sh02-01n60: /lscratch/kilian
sh02-01n60: └── 1988522
sh02-01n60: 1 directory, 0 files

Process tree#

To display your process tree across all the nodes your jobs are running on:

$ clush -w @u:$USER pstree -au $USER
sh02-09n71: mpiBench
sh02-09n71:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-09n71: mpiBench
sh02-09n71:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-09n71: mpiBench
sh02-09n71:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-09n71: mpiBench
sh02-09n71:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-10n01: mpiBench
sh02-10n01:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-10n01: mpiBench
sh02-10n01:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-10n01: mpiBench
sh02-10n01:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]
sh02-10n01: mpiBench
sh02-10n01:   `-3*[{mpiBench}]

CPU usage#

To get the CPU and memory usage of your processes in job 2003264:

$ clush -w @j:2003264 ps -u$USER -o%cpu,rss,cmd
sh03-07n12: %CPU   RSS CMD
sh03-07n12:  0.0  4780 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-07n12:  0.0  4784 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-07n12:  0.0  4784 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-07n12:  0.0  4780 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n06: %CPU   RSS CMD
sh03-06n06:  0.0 59596 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n06:  0.0 59576 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n06:  0.0 59580 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n06:  0.0 59588 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n05: %CPU   RSS CMD
sh03-06n05:  0.0  7360 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n05:  0.0  7328 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n05:  0.0  7344 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n05:  0.0  7340 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n11: %CPU   RSS CMD
sh03-06n11: 17.0 59604 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n11: 17.0 59588 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n11: 17.0 59592 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000
sh03-06n11: 17.0 59580 /home/users/kilian/benchs/MPI/mpiBench/mpiBench -i 1000000

GPU usage#

To show what's running on all the GPUs on the nodes associated with job 123456:

$ clush -bw @job:123456 nvidia-smi --format=csv --query-compute-apps=process_name,utilization.memory
sh03-12n01: /share/software/user/open/python/3.6.1/bin/python3.6, 15832 MiB
sh02-12n04: /share/software/user/open/python/3.6.1/bin/python3.6, 15943 MiB